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addPostTransactionOperation(Consumer<TransactionResult>) - Method in class com.pyranid.Transaction
Adds an operation to the list of operations to be executed when the transaction completes.


batchSize(Integer) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog.Builder
Specifies the size of the batch operation.
bind(StatementContext<T>, PreparedStatement, List<Object>) - Method in class com.pyranid.DefaultPreparedStatementBinder
bind(StatementContext<T>, PreparedStatement, List<Object>) - Method in interface com.pyranid.PreparedStatementBinder
Binds parameters to a SQL prepared statement.
build() - Method in class com.pyranid.Database.Builder
build() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext.Builder
build() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog.Builder
Constructs a StatementLog instance.
Builder(Statement) - Constructor for class com.pyranid.StatementContext.Builder


com.pyranid - package com.pyranid
Pyranid is a zero-dependency JDBC interface for modern Java applications.
COMMITTED - Enum constant in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionResult
The transaction was successfully committed.
connectionAcquisitionDuration(Duration) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog.Builder
Specifies how long it took to acquire a Connection from the DataSource.
createSavepoint() - Method in class com.pyranid.Transaction
Creates a transaction savepoint that can be rolled back to via Transaction.rollback(Savepoint).
currentTransaction() - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Gets a reference to the current transaction, if any.


Database - Class in com.pyranid
Main class for performing database access operations.
Database.Builder - Class in com.pyranid
Builder used to construct instances of Database.
DatabaseColumn - Annotation Interface in com.pyranid
Allows specification of alternate column names for resultset mapping.
DatabaseException - Exception Class in com.pyranid
Thrown when an error occurs when interacting with a Database.
DatabaseException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
Creates a DatabaseException with the given message.
DatabaseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
Creates a DatabaseException which wraps the given cause.
DatabaseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
Creates a DatabaseException which wraps the given cause.
DatabaseType - Enum Class in com.pyranid
Identifies different types of databases, which allows for special platform-specific handling.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionIsolation
Default isolation (DBMS-specific).
DEFAULT_LOGGER_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.pyranid.DefaultStatementLogger
DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME - Static variable in class com.pyranid.DefaultStatementLogger
DefaultInstanceProvider - Class in com.pyranid
Basic implementation of InstanceProvider.
DefaultInstanceProvider() - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultInstanceProvider
DefaultPreparedStatementBinder - Class in com.pyranid
Basic implementation of PreparedStatementBinder.
DefaultPreparedStatementBinder() - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultPreparedStatementBinder
Creates a PreparedStatementBinder.
DefaultPreparedStatementBinder(DatabaseType) - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultPreparedStatementBinder
Creates a PreparedStatementBinder for the given databaseType.
DefaultPreparedStatementBinder(DatabaseType, ZoneId) - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultPreparedStatementBinder
Creates a PreparedStatementBinder for the given databaseType.
DefaultPreparedStatementBinder(ZoneId) - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultPreparedStatementBinder
Creates a PreparedStatementBinder for the given timeZone.
DefaultResultSetMapper - Class in com.pyranid
Basic implementation of ResultSetMapper.
DefaultResultSetMapper() - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultResultSetMapper
Creates a ResultSetMapper with default configuration.
DefaultResultSetMapper(DatabaseType) - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultResultSetMapper
Creates a ResultSetMapper for the given databaseType.
DefaultResultSetMapper(DatabaseType, ZoneId) - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultResultSetMapper
Creates a ResultSetMapper for the given databaseType and timeZone.
DefaultResultSetMapper(ZoneId) - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultResultSetMapper
Creates a ResultSetMapper for the given timeZone.
DefaultStatementLogger - Class in com.pyranid
Basic implementation of StatementLogger which logs via java.util.logging.
DefaultStatementLogger() - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultStatementLogger
Creates a new statement logger with the default logger name "com.pyranid.SQL" and level.
DefaultStatementLogger(String, Level) - Constructor for class com.pyranid.DefaultStatementLogger
Creates a new statement logger with the given logger name and level.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.pyranid.Statement
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext
equals(Object) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
exception(Exception) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog.Builder
Specifies the exception that occurred during SQL statement execution.
execute(Statement, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Executes a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE; or a SQL statement that returns nothing, such as a DDL statement.
execute(String, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Executes a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE; or a SQL statement that returns nothing, such as a DDL statement.
executeBatch(Statement, List<List<Object>>) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Executes a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE in "batch" over a set of parameter groups.
executeBatch(String, List<List<Object>>) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Executes a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE in "batch" over a set of parameter groups.
executeForList(Statement, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Executes a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, which returns any number of rows, e.g.
executeForList(String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Executes a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, which returns any number of rows, e.g.
executeForObject(Statement, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Executes a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, which returns 0 or 1 rows, e.g.
executeForObject(String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Executes a SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, which returns 0 or 1 rows, e.g.
executionDuration(Duration) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog.Builder
Specifies how long it took to execute a SQL statement.


forDataSource(DataSource) - Static method in class com.pyranid.Database
Provides a Database builder for the given DataSource.
forStatementContext(StatementContext<T>) - Static method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
Creates a StatementLog builder for the given statementContext.
fromDataSource(DataSource) - Static method in enum class com.pyranid.DatabaseType
Determines the type of database to which the given dataSource connects.


GENERIC - Enum constant in enum class com.pyranid.DatabaseType
A database which requires no special handling.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
The size of the batch operation.
getColumn() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getConnectionAcquisitionDuration() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
How long did it take to acquire a Connection from the DataSource?
getConstraint() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getDatatype() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getDbmsMessage() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getDetail() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
Shorthand for SQLException.getErrorCode() if this exception was caused by a SQLException.
getException() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
The exception that occurred during SQL statement execution.
getExecutionDuration() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
How long did it take to execute the SQL statement?
getFile() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getHint() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getId() - Method in class com.pyranid.Statement
getInternalPosition() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getInternalQuery() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getLine() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getParameters() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext
getPosition() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getPostTransactionOperations() - Method in class com.pyranid.Transaction
Gets an unmodifiable list of post-transaction operations.
getPreparationDuration() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
How long did it take to bind data to the PreparedStatement?
getResultSetMappingDuration() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
How long did it take to extract data from the ResultSet?
getResultSetRowType() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext
getRoutine() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getSchema() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getSeverity() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getSql() - Method in class com.pyranid.Statement
getSqlState() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
Shorthand for SQLException.getSQLState() if this exception was caused by a SQLException.
getStatement() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext
getStatementContext() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
The SQL statement that was executed.
getTable() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
getTotalDuration() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
How long did it take to perform the database operation in total?
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class com.pyranid.Transaction
Get the isolation level for this transaction.
getWhere() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException


hashCode() - Method in class com.pyranid.Statement
hashCode() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext
hashCode() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog


instanceProvider(InstanceProvider) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database.Builder
InstanceProvider - Interface in com.pyranid
Contract for a factory that creates instances given a type.
isRollbackOnly() - Method in class com.pyranid.Transaction
Should this transaction be rolled back upon completion?


log(StatementLog) - Method in class com.pyranid.DefaultStatementLogger
log(StatementLog) - Method in interface com.pyranid.StatementLogger
Performs a logging operation on the given statementLog.


map(StatementContext<T>, ResultSet, Class<T>, InstanceProvider) - Method in class com.pyranid.DefaultResultSetMapper
map(StatementContext<T>, ResultSet, Class<T>, InstanceProvider) - Method in interface com.pyranid.ResultSetMapper
Maps the current row of resultSet to the result class indicated by statementContext.


of(Object, String) - Static method in class com.pyranid.Statement
Factory method for providing Statement instances.
ORACLE - Enum constant in enum class com.pyranid.DatabaseType
An Oracle database.


parameters(Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext.Builder
parameters(List<Object>) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext.Builder
participate(Transaction, ReturningTransactionalOperation<T>) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs an operation in the context of a pre-existing transaction, optionall returning a value.
participate(Transaction, TransactionalOperation) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs an operation in the context of a pre-existing transaction.
perform() - Method in interface com.pyranid.ReturningTransactionalOperation
Executes a transactional operation.
perform() - Method in interface com.pyranid.TransactionalOperation
Executes a transactional operation.
preparationDuration(Duration) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog.Builder
Specifies how long it took to bind data to a PreparedStatement.
preparedStatementBinder(PreparedStatementBinder) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database.Builder
PreparedStatementBinder - Interface in com.pyranid
Contract for binding parameters to SQL prepared statements.
provide(StatementContext<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class com.pyranid.DefaultInstanceProvider
provide(StatementContext<T>, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.pyranid.InstanceProvider
Provides an instance of the given instanceType.
provideRecord(StatementContext<T>, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in interface com.pyranid.InstanceProvider
Provides an instance of the given recordType.


queryForList(Statement, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs a SQL query that is expected to return any number of result rows.
queryForList(String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs a SQL query that is expected to return any number of result rows.
queryForObject(Statement, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs a SQL query that is expected to return 0 or 1 result rows.
queryForObject(String, Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs a SQL query that is expected to return 0 or 1 result rows.


READ_COMMITTED - Enum constant in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionIsolation
READ_UNCOMMITTED - Enum constant in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionIsolation
removePostTransactionOperation(Consumer<TransactionResult>) - Method in class com.pyranid.Transaction
Removes an operation from the list of operations to be executed when the transaction completes.
REPEATABLE_READ - Enum constant in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionIsolation
resultSetMapper(ResultSetMapper) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database.Builder
ResultSetMapper - Interface in com.pyranid
Contract for mapping a ResultSet row to a different type.
resultSetMappingDuration(Duration) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog.Builder
Specifies how long it took to extract data from a ResultSet.
resultSetRowType(Class<T>) - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext.Builder
ReturningTransactionalOperation<T> - Interface in com.pyranid
Represents a transactional operation capable of returning a value.
rollback(Savepoint) - Method in class com.pyranid.Transaction
Rolls back to the provided transaction savepoint.
ROLLED_BACK - Enum constant in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionResult
The transaction was rolled back.


SERIALIZABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionIsolation
setRollbackOnly(Boolean) - Method in class com.pyranid.Transaction
Sets whether this transaction should be rolled back upon completion.
Statement - Class in com.pyranid
Represents a SQL statement and an identifier for it.
StatementContext<T> - Class in com.pyranid
Data that represents a SQL statement.
StatementContext.Builder<T> - Class in com.pyranid
Builder used to construct instances of StatementContext.
StatementLog<T> - Class in com.pyranid
A collection of SQL statement execution diagnostics.
StatementLog.Builder<T> - Class in com.pyranid
Builder used to construct instances of StatementLog.
statementLogger(StatementLogger) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database.Builder
StatementLogger - Interface in com.pyranid
Contract for handling database statement log events.


timeZone(ZoneId) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database.Builder
toString() - Method in exception class com.pyranid.DatabaseException
toString() - Method in class com.pyranid.Statement
toString() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementContext
toString() - Method in class com.pyranid.StatementLog
toString() - Method in class com.pyranid.Transaction
transaction(ReturningTransactionalOperation<T>) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs an operation transactionally and optionally returns a value.
transaction(TransactionalOperation) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs an operation transactionally.
transaction(TransactionIsolation, ReturningTransactionalOperation<T>) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs an operation transactionally with the given isolation level, optionally returning a value.
transaction(TransactionIsolation, TransactionalOperation) - Method in class com.pyranid.Database
Performs an operation transactionally with the given isolation level.
Transaction - Class in com.pyranid
Represents a database transaction.
TransactionalOperation - Interface in com.pyranid
Represents an operation performed with a transactional context.
TransactionIsolation - Enum Class in com.pyranid
Strategies for database locking during transactional operations.
TransactionResult - Enum Class in com.pyranid
Indicates whether a transaction was committed or rolled back.


value() - Element in annotation interface com.pyranid.DatabaseColumn
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.pyranid.DatabaseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionIsolation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.pyranid.DatabaseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionIsolation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.pyranid.TransactionResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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